According to the American Kennel Club, here are a few fun facts about your Urban Wolf that are worth sharing. 

1. A dogs nose print is so unique it is much like a humans finger print. 

2. 45% of dogs in the United States sleep in the owners bed. (ONLY 45%??) Seems a little if you ask us

3. ALL dogs dream, but puppies and seniors dream more frequently. 

4. Yawning is contagious, even for dog! 

5. Human blood pressure goes down when petting a dog, & so does the dogs! All the more reason to spoil these amazing companions. 

6. There are over 75 MILLION dogs in the United States, that's more than any other country. All the more reason to ADOPT ADOPT ADOPT. 

7. All puppies are born deaf. That explains why they don't listen well.... 

8. Dogs are NOT color blind. They can see blue and yellow. 

9. A recent scientific study proves that dogs are among a very small group of animals who show voluntary unselfish kindness towards others without reward. Dog lovers didn't need a scientific study to know this is true! 


Dogs play such an amazing roll in our lives, they deserve to be treated as so. Here at Urban Wolf Collective we put our four legged family members first on the priority list, which is why we take time to source only the best, beautiful, and quality products. 

We hope you enjoy our collections as much as we do! 


-Urban Wolf Collective 🖤


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